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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I am a graduate of the Sauder School of Business at UBC. Upon entering this program, I had no clue what I wanted to do beyond completing it with flying colours. Four and a half years, one marketing specialization, one student exchange to Mexico, and three co-op terms later, I have come no closer to figuring it all out. Although I am a realist in knowing that business and money make the world go round, I am an equal idealist in loathing everything about that notion. So it is at this crossroad of life known as post-secondary graduation where I stand uncertainly poised to fight the banal and predictable life-path of a commerce graduate.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You may say that I'm a dreamer...

Okay so first of all, I am with phone. Apparently, it's so pitiful that I'm travelling by myself, that the Arabic guys at the random mobile store decided to fix up my phone with a new sim card for free. They then pointed me towards the best bars where they were sure 'some good lads would take care o you'. Anyways, the phone number is on my facebook. Use it liberally:) All incoming calls/texts are free and I only have it while I'm in England/Scotland (May 18th, I leave for Dublin). You'll get a new phone number for each country I'm in...excited?

So the trek from Bath to Liverpool took FOREVER on the bus but I seemed to come out better at the end this time. The hostel was way better this time too. Bath's had consisted of what seemed like a group of sixty year old hippies - who were wonderfully nice as far as sixty year old hippies go - whereas this one is more on par with my kinda fun:) I ended up staying in a room full of Canadians last night with one girl who I'll hopefully meet up with again with in Scotland.

Today I went down to see the International Museum of Slavery and the Beatle's Story which were both AMAZING! I'm a nerd/freak when it comes to learning about Africa so I spent forever in there. Although I'm not a huge Beatles fan, I also spent a ridiculous amount of time in that one too. Leaving my Ipod behind was the stupidest mistake and I regret it in more ways than one. But anyways, with the lack of music it's to the point now that if a busker is playing on the street, I need to stop to listen for a good long while to get my fill. Or if Elton John (oh wait now old school Britney) is playing in the shopping mall for example, I start to sway a little (or alot) to the music... which could be happening as I type this. But anyways, the beatles were a good to breathe in in that respect. I've been humming 'Hey Jude' all day:)

An old Rihanna song is playing now but I really should tear myself away...umbrella ella ella...

Tomorrow is the beach.

P.S. title continuation: but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us... Amber?

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