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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I am a graduate of the Sauder School of Business at UBC. Upon entering this program, I had no clue what I wanted to do beyond completing it with flying colours. Four and a half years, one marketing specialization, one student exchange to Mexico, and three co-op terms later, I have come no closer to figuring it all out. Although I am a realist in knowing that business and money make the world go round, I am an equal idealist in loathing everything about that notion. So it is at this crossroad of life known as post-secondary graduation where I stand uncertainly poised to fight the banal and predictable life-path of a commerce graduate.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

La belle Belfast

Okay let's bypass the Scottish Highlands, Dublin, Blarney, and Killarney for a minute so I can tell you about my night last night (I promise to go back and give you all the tidbits later...all in my written journal). I arrived in Belfast last night and fell completely in love! Although it's technically the UK, if we're calling it Ireland, it is definitely the best so far... and I haven't even been here 24hrs.

I guarantee that some of my headiness is directly related to the fact that I'm seeing the sun shine for the first time since I got to this flipping island...but it's also gorgeous:P Anyways, I got in at around 8PM and went straight to this festival that they were having at the town hall. I bought licorice (sp?) that was the length of my body!!! and then proceeded to wander around and see all the sights. After that, I made my way over to Kelly's bar (the hostel desk had suggested it for live Irish music). Although, I was by myself, I went in to talk to the barman and have a half pint of Guiness. And you'll never believe the locals I met!!! This group of really nice old men were horrified that I was by myself so they invited me over and bought me all my drinks. They also told me firsthand all about the troubles that Northern Ireland has had and it was awesome!! One guy had been a part of the blanket protest, which was probably the craziest (see link below). But then one of the younger ones was telling me about how he had seen his friend die at the age of 15 when a british soldier had shot him. Obiviously a one-sided account but still amazing to hear.

Ahh my time is up so I gotta run...

Don't worry mama I'm safe! Off to see giant's causeway today:)


Unknown said...

Okay, the lead-in to this post had me thinking you had lived out your very own P.S. I Love You plot! Glad you had fun, especially after going to a bar by yourself - it's totally worth the risk, right?! Now both of us can tell a certain tall homosexual (not me, the other one) that we have both done it and he should not be so scared.

I'm working during the week (yay!), so calling times are tricky. Are you still up around 7 my time? I think that's like midnight there...

Miss you!

Annabelle said...

Hey Jason!!

Miss you too:) I thought of you that night for sure lol. Something tells me Pat doesn't read this thing so your subtle hints are lost. Congrats on the new job...I'm not sure which one it turned out to be but I'm sooo happy you're working again! Don't worry I'm up around seven your time...I think I'm about 8 or 9 hours AHEAD so that's actually perfect...

No rush if you're busy but would love to hear from actually it costs me roaming to get a call so text me and we'll figure out where I can use a landline.